Kick-off-Meeting - July 15th 2014

The Kick-off.meeting of the Else Kröner Reserach College (EKFK) took plase on July 15th, 2014 at the Sichtbar in Magdeburg.

During the introductory the fellows presented their reserach projects on the subject: "The meaning of inflammatory micro environments in the development of preneoplasias: from molecular signals to new therapy strategies." The talks were chaired by the fellows as well as by senior project leaders of the Else Kröner Reserach College. At the moment four fellows participate in the college (Dr. C. Betzler, Dr. A. Kandulski, R. Hohlfeld, C. Müller ans L. Luley). The fellows are located in the working groups of the the Surgery (Prof. Dr. C. Bruns, PD Dr. F. Popp), Internal Medicine (Prof. Dr. P. Malfertheiner, Prof. Dr. P. Mertens, PD Dr. F. Heidel, Prof. Dr. T. Fischer) and Gynaecology (Frau Prof. Dr. A. Zenclussen, Prof. Dr. S. Costa). For the first time the fellows as the project leader presented their scientific reserach topics to the rest of the members. Afterwards scientific questions and result were discussed by the auditorium

In the following you will find some impressions of the Kick-off-Meeting.

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